Proin egestas at quam in sagittis. Etiam nisi erat, tincidunt sit amet porta non, rutrum et enim. Sed fringilla, felis eget tempor suscipit, mauris neque molestie felis, ac imperdiet lacus lorem in dui. Ut tellus libero, rhoncus eu consectetur id, condimentum sit amet ligula.
Set up by Pete Kalu and Tariq Mehmood, Suitcase Books is the imprint of Shorelines, “an online literary magazine and agency which aims to promote writing from migrants living in Europe and their descendants, and also writings about working class issues.” An imprint for books for children called Satchel.
Published as a set of booklets in 1975. A collective autobiography within a series of booklets published by the Manchester Studies department at what was then called Manchester Polytechnic.
Flapjack Press set up in the 2000s and is still publishing. It specialises in publishing writers known on Manchester’s spoken word and live poetry scene.
This booklet was produced by Commonword in partnership with RAPAR (Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research) and CAN (Community Arts Northwest) and was published in 2010.