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Two ex-lovers, on the anniversary of their parting
1 So I began my morning walk a rhythm railway timetables soles arched, quickened the threshold of Mancy Park, ours, pollen days. Inclined to angles, the crush
self portrait as a global garment
I am hung in the earth’s wardrobe woven with the sinews of a million dying brown-skinned babies their eyes sequins glistening in every twist of sunlight as I
The Curry Mile Extract (Chapter 3)
The Kohinoor was inspired by an idea Sorayah had when she was a teenager and even three years after its opening, it remained unsurpassed. She felt the stirrings
I was born and they said “I bet she’ll like coffee”. The right chromosomes you see and I cared not a jot happy with my breast milk I
The Censor
Although the standard issue pens were thick, I never quit silenced the fear that the blacked-out passages could somehow be read (a keen eye, a bright window)
Mask At The Market.
In the shadow of the mosque we kissed, in the darkness of the blues we moved slowly together, at the bus stop in the early morning we talked