Suitcase Books
Set up by Pete Kalu and Tariq Mehmood, Suitcase Books is the imprint of Shorelines, “an online literary magazine and agency which aims to promote writing from migrants living in Europe and their descendants, and also writings about working class issues.” An imprint for books for children called Satchel emerged from Shorelines later on.
Within its output, Suitcase portrays a wealth of global majority experiences that defy mainstream expectations of us. Yes, socially conservative patriarchs running business empires, and also a cast of radical left-wing activists, fearless detectives, comedians and jokers, mixed heritage folk, lesbian queer and bisexual feminists, anti-racist vegans and all of the people they rub up against. A literary timestamp for the Black and Asian life in northern England at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st Century.
Suitcase published the following works between 2006 and 2009:
- Dancing Cows by Janet McDermott, 2007 (novel)
- Hair: A Journey into the Afro and Asian Experience by Various, 2006 (anthology)
- How to Dump Your Boyfriend by Julian Daniel and Henry Pumpkin, 2009 (humour)
- How to Dump Your Girlfriend by Kim Cooper and Carla Peters, 2008 (humour)
- Little Jack Horner by Peter Kalu, 2007 (novel)
- Praise Songs for Aliens by Segun Lee-French, 2009 (poetry)
- The Curry Mile by Zahid Hussain, 2006 (novel)
- The Seamstress and the Global Garment, 2009 by Maya Chowdhry (poetry)
- The Suitcase Book of Love Poems by Various, 2008 (poetry)