Features poems by Dennis Leckey, Suchitra Govindarjan, Ian Dogherty, Alex Stolis, Marilyn Longstaff, Ronda Broatch, Neil Campbell, Geoff Stevens, Carolyn Oulton, Gary Allen, Mike Hoy, Sheila Hamilton, Linda Strang, Vahni Capildeo, Pamela Coren, Sarah Hymas, Charles Benett, Lucy Maddux, Ron Tomkins, Joseph Allen, Natasha Carthew, John Halladay, John Ash, Pam Thompson, Fay Hart, Nichola Daly, Ann Batchelor Hursey, Julie Campbell, and Emma Lee
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Panshine Press > Rain Dog Issue 8
Rain Dog Issue 8
- Categories: Panshine Press
- Tags: Panshine Press, Publications
- Reading Time: 1 minute