Features poems by Pat Winslow, Bruce McCrae, Ronda Broatch, Christopher Barnes, Jessica McMichael, Pamela Coren, Gareth Twose, Neil Campbell, Cathy Bolton, Liz Atkin, John Towers, Stephen Murphy, Sean Burn, Pam Thompson, Ann Flynn, Phillip Burton, Jan Whalen, Juliet Wilson, Jennifer Copley, Stephen Owen, Dennis Leckey, AnnMarie Eldon, Daniel Melbye, Brenda Tai-Layton, Geoff Stevens, Geraldine Green, John Hall, Julia Brown, Steve Urwin, Merryn Wiliams, John Ash, George Wallace, Gill McEvoy, Suzanne Batty, and Rose Cook
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Panshine Press > Rain Dog Issue 10
Rain Dog Issue 10
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- Tags: Panshine Press, Publications
- Reading Time: 1 minute