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Panshine Press
Panshine Press
Roadworks Poems from the A6
Featuring poems by Suzanne Batty, Tess Lomas, Danny Wise, John Calvert, Bill Mitton, Ian Dogherty, Di Williams, Jan Whalen, Julie Campbell, Avril Hefferman, Duncan Loftus, Rachel Van Den
Rain Dog Issue 16
The final issue of Rain Dog is dated 16 November 2009. Features poems by Ian C Smith, Eleanor Clare, Nicola Daly, Ginny Sullivan, Steve Allen, F J Williams,
Rain Dog Issue 15
Features poems by Chris Hardy, Sean Kinsella, Heath Thompson, Kathleen Kenny, Deborah Mason, Chris Barnes, Nichola Daly, Mark Leech, Daniel Healy, Isabella Strachan, Ivan Wallace, Sara Brown, Paul
Rain Dog Issue 14
Features poems by Keiron Farrow, Mim Darlington, Ian Mullins, Merryn Williams, Robert Etty, Pamela Coren, Gill McEvoy, Abegail Morley, Paul May, Robin Lindsay Wilson, Kay Fletcher, Stephen Devereux,
Rain Dog Issue 13
Features poems by Stephen Middleton, Elen Phethean, Angela France, David Keyworth, Jill Cragg, Pat Buik, Robin Lindsay Wilson, Jonathan Kelley, Joanna Weston, Mandy Coe, Chris Kinsey, Wayne Auty,
Rain Dog Issue 12
Features poems by Jude Brigley, Ronda Broatch, Geoff Stevens, Pat Brown, Paul Tanner, Anne Caldwell, Michael Brown, Olga Kenyon, Daniel Healy, Lucy Winrow, John G. Hall, Natasha Carthew,
Rain Dog Issue 11
Features poems by Pat Winslow, Christopher Barnes, David Greenslade, Helen Larham, John West, Josh Hanson, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Robin Lindsay Wilson, Chris Kinsey, Eleanor Livingstone, Stehens Owen, Jen
Rain Dog Issue 10
Features poems by Pat Winslow, Bruce McCrae, Ronda Broatch, Christopher Barnes, Jessica McMichael, Pamela Coren, Gareth Twose, Neil Campbell, Cathy Bolton, Liz Atkin, John Towers, Stephen Murphy, Sean
Rain Dog Issue 9
Poems by Ann Batchelor Hursey, J Oyster, Fiona Ritchie Walker, Emma-Jane Arkday, Malcolm Curie, Christopher Barnes, Bruce McRae, Elizabeth M Rimmer, Julie Campbell, R H G Turner, Anne