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Citizen 32
Citizen 32
Citizen 32: Censored
Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Aoife Mannix, Dave Lordan, Michael Grover, Alan Dent, Chanje Kunda, Linda Cleary, Mish Green, Billy Bragg, David Bateman, Heather Taylor, George Wallace, Keith Armstrong,
Citizen 32: Home
Poems by Roger McGough, Michael Grover, Simon Armitage, Tony Walsh, Jackie Hagan, Helen Clare, Emilie Connes, Jack Hirschman, Aoife Mannix, George Wallace, Lenore Weiss, lan Chapman, Keith Holyoak,
Citizen 32: War and Peace
Poems by Harold Pinter, Aoife Mannix, Allen Cohen, Robert Sheppard, Jack Hirschman, Jo Mazelis, Adrian Mitchell, John G Hall, Mario Petrucci, Geraldine Green, Ann Keys, Kevin Higgins, Rip
Citizen 32: Sexuality
Guest edited by Jackie Hagan, the Sexuality issue of Citizen 32 featured the following: Poems by Rachel van den Bergen, Aoife Mannix, Steve Lyons, Andy Hinkinson, Bruce Jewett,
The Censor
Although the standard issue pens were thick, I never quit silenced the fear that the blacked-out passages could somehow be read (a keen eye, a bright window)
Aquarius Workshops Summer 2024
Citizen Poetry Showcase Manchester Poetry Library, Thursday 23rd May 2024 Hard Pressed acknowledges the contribution small publications and publishers of Manchester made to the city’s literature 1975 to
Citizen 32
Citizen 32 ‘Radical poetry, fiction and art with a global view’ reads the tagline. Set up by editors John G Hall, Christina McAlpine and Dave Toomer in