1975 1985 1996 1999 2000 2006 2009 anthology Asian writers autobiography Bengali bilingual bilingual books Black and Asian writers censorship Citizen 32 employment Featured Publications global majority hair humour leisure LGBTQ+ writers life writing love Manchester Manchester writers Mongrel Press nailah north Manchester novel Panshine Press Pipeline Poetry Presses Publications punjabi Rain Dog recordings Rusholme Somali South Asian writers Suitcase Books women writers Writers
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Independent Presses
Independent Presses Here are some of the other presses that we have uncovered: Nailah
Pipeline A Manchester-based poetry / short story magazine which ran for five issues in the 2000s. Issue 3 is only available digitally. Set up by members of Monday
Flapjack Press
Flapjack Press Flapjack Press set up in the 2000s and is still publishing. It specialises in publishing writers known on Manchester’s spoken word and live poetry scene.
Small Rocks
Small Rocks This booklet was produced by Commonword in partnership with RAPAR (Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research) and CAN (Community Arts Northwest) and published in 2010. People
Gatehouse Books
Gatehouse Books Gatehouse was set up in the late 1970s to provide “an opportunity for writers to express their thoughts and feelings on aspects of their lives.”
Mongrel Press
Mongrel Press A poetry press publishing chapbooks / pamphlets and recordings by global majority Manchester writers. Published work in the mid- to late nineties. Mongrel Moon –
Lifetimes This collective autobiography was published as a set of seven booklets in 1975 with the support of the Manchester Studies department at what was then called Manchester
Citizen 32
Citizen 32 ‘Radical poetry, fiction and art with a global view’ reads the tagline. Set up by editors John G Hall, Christina McAlpine and Dave Toomer in
Panshine Press
Set up by Jan Whalen and Suzanne Batty in the late 1990s. Panshine published a poetry magazine called Rain Dog which ran for sixteen issues between 2000 and